President Biden now leads Donald Trump by 9 points with Independents in new Fox poll (video)

Donald Trump was already livid with Fox for including "disloyal" Republican Paul Ryan on its board. And now Fox News has dared to report its latest poll findings, which has President Biden ahead of the convicted felon by two points.

For the first time since October, Biden leapfrogged over Trump in a Fox News national election poll, which shows the president at 50% to Trump's 48% — five points up since March. And with Independents, the gap between the candidates widens, with Biden ahead by 9 points. The "future of American democracy" was one of the most important issues that concerned respondents. (See videos of Fox reports below, gleefully posted by Biden-Harris HQ.)

Naturally, these findings won't sit well with Trump, who has yet to lodge his complaint on Truth Social. But the day is still young.

From The Hill:

The poll could show the impact of Trump's felony conviction earlier this month, as polls across the board have since shown Biden gaining on — and at points overtaking — the former president.

Among one of the race's most critical demographics, independent voters, Biden leads Trump by 9 points. That's an 11-point shift from May, when they favored Trump by 2 points.

"The underlying demographic tendencies that have defined the race remain in place," said Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducted the survey. "Biden has improved slightly with women and seniors, which keeps him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support from younger voters and African Americans." …

The Fox News poll surveyed about 1,100 registered voters nationwide, with a margin of error of about 3 percent.

Previously: Dictator Trump orders Fox to fire Paul Ryan from its board for being "disloyal"