The Sharp Wizard was a series of handheld gadgets from the late-'80s era of "organizers"—more than calculators, but not quite what we'd recognize as tablets. American readers may remember it from an episode of Seinfeld. You may play Tetris on it, as demonstrated below by The Clueless Engineer.
Matt Sephton describes a little of the Sharp Wizard's history:
As well as being home to some of the earliest emoji these devices could run software from IC cards (solid state storage). There were about 30 games released in this format… There's not much about these devices online, particularly in English, but two notable places are: HP Museum forum (for devices and IC cards) and Insert Credit forum (for games). The devices are common on Japanese auction and selling websites, but the games are becoming more difficult to find.
Another fascinating post on Sephton's blog is Emigre typography and graphic design magazine: "if you're interested in 80s and 90s design there will surely be something in there for you."
• Miraculous portable computers, ca 1982
• 256 bytes of code generate this spooky fractal city