Margaret Thatcher-themed DOOM mod removed

Back in 2021, I wrote about a custom DOOM mod that introduced a new Big Bad into the game that was even more horrific than a Martian hell beast: Margaret Thatcher. From the blurb:


The world has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of revenge in the sinister voice of the late BARONESS MARGARET THATCHER

Faced with the return of one of humanity's greatest threats, you have no choice but to head to THE TENTH CIRCLE OF HELL


And investigate the underworld fortress known only as… THATCHER'S TECHBASE

Unfortunately, this version of the game is no longer available through the official DOOM platform, which otherwise serves as an exchange service for user-generated mods and skins for all major gaming platforms. As PC Gamer explains:

Thatcher's Techbase has been around for years, but the problem is Bethesda's recent re-release of a "definitive" bundle of Doom 1 and 2, which incorporates a boatload of new features and official map packs alongside tools that allow modders to easily share their work in-game. This created a kind of semi-official status for popular mods, which are now being distributed directly through Bethesda's game, and it turns out that this might be an issue when said mod allows you to piss on the grave of a dead politician.


Thatcher's Techbase is still available easily enough from the mod's site, while at least one enterprising user has already re-uploaded a version to the official Doom mod catalogue. But I'd imagine, whatever your stance on this, its prospects of staying in the official mods list are not great.

Jim Purvis, the creator of the mod, shared a screenshot of the ban notice on The Social Media Platform Formerly Known As Twitter. The reason given for the ban? "Real-world politics."

I suppose this complaint is fair, only in the sense that Margaret Thatcher was indeed a horrifying demon who trapped the working class in hell.

I put some Doom in your Doom so you can Doom while you Doom