A former doctor has been jailed for running an illegal mobile circumcision business.
This story gets worse and worse as you read it. A doctor who lost his license continued practicing circumcisions on patients up to the age of 14. His tools were disgusting and unfit for use; the entire thing reads like a horror movie.
He travelled around the UK performing non-therapeutic male circumcisions – meaning there was no clinical reason for the procedure – on patients up to the age of 14.
The court previously heard how Siddiqui had used a rusty medical instrument to circumcise children and gave insufficient pain relief.
One tool had a "rusty, serrated" edge while others had not been properly sterilised, prosecutors said.
He said the defendant "cut corners" and "caused unnecessary pain, suffering, cruelty and risk".
In 2015, Siddiqui was struck off the GMC register after a panel of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service found him guilty of failures in performing the procedure in the homes of four babies.
But he continued his service because non-therapeutic male circumcision is unregulated and not required to be carried out by a medical practitioner.
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