Wisconsin commissioned an independent report on how to fix the Foxconn deal. Result: it can't be done.

In 2017, Trump and then-Wisconsin Governor (and Koch darling) Scott Walker announced that they would give Chinese manufacturing giant $3B in taxpayer subsidies to open the only flat panel display factory in the western hemisphere (the figure quickly grew to $4.1B), despite the company's long, documented history of lying to governments, sucking up subsidies, and never delivering the promised facilities or jobs.

Foxconn promised it would do something with the empty buildings it bought in Wisconsin, but they're still empty (still no factory, either)

The Verge's Josh Dzieza continues his outstanding coverage of Foxconn's shell-game in Wisconsin, where the company — promised billions in subsidies and tax-breaks by former governor Scott Walker, a Koch darling, and by Trump, who used Foxconn's promise of a major new Wisconsin factory to claim his policies were working — has lived up to its reputation for overpromising and underdelivering by absorbing billions in subsidies but never delivering on promised jobs.