Tinkerbot photos from the Boing Boing Flickr Pool
Photos of a Tinkerbot shared by a reader of the same name in our Flickr Pool.
Photos of a Tinkerbot shared by a reader of the same name in our Flickr Pool.
Many's the time I've featured the beautiful Tinkerbots of San Diego's Dan Jones. This time, my eye's been caught by his Hudson Skymaster convertible spaceship, which he added to the Boing Boing Flickr pool.
Dan Jones (AKA Tinkerbots) was kind enough to add this charming fellow to the Boing Boing Flickr pool. There's plenty more where that came from.
The Zephlaprop is a new piece from found-object sculptor Tinkerbots, AKA Dan Jones of San Diego.
From San Diego's Dan Jones (aka Tinkerbots), a rather lovely junkbot called HUDSON, found in the Boing Boing Flickr Pool. He's also the guy who gave us these bots and these stellar rayguns. He's got a shop, but it's presently empty (let's hope it gets some stock for Christmas!). — Read the rest
Flickr user Tinkerbots creates and photographs beautiful raygun and robot assemblage sculptures made from techno-junk. I am SUCH a sucker for raygun sculptures. Tinkerbots's blasters drive a fishhook straight into my desiderata gland.
(via Make)