We often unconsciously mirror the behavior of people we interact with. This can include mirroring posture, gestures, and voice patterns. A recent paper in Current Biology reports that we can… Read the rest of the article: You can hear the smile in someone's voice even when you can't
Dan Ruderman -
Dan Ruderman Our autonomic nervous system influences internal organs and governs key functions such as heart rate, digestion, and temperature regulation. Psychosomatic diseases are those without clear physical basis, and are presumed to… Read the rest of the article: Circuitry found linking cerebral cortex to body's stress response
Dan Ruderman This year noted author and intellect Pico Iyer gave USC's commencement address. It's a great 17 minutes for graduating college students and anyone else. Watch it here.
Dan Ruderman It can be difficult for chemotherapies to reach cancer cells because access is often restricted by poor vasculature and high pressure within tumors.
Dan Ruderman Researchers have discovered the cause of the 100-year-old mystery of why Swiss cheese has holes.
Dan Ruderman An article from the BBC clarifies the popular notion about lemmings. On the back of the animated classic Bambi, Disney undertook a series of ground-breaking, feature-length nature documentaries known as The… Read the rest of the article: Fable of suicidal lemmings traced to Disney
Dan Ruderman Whole genome sequencing has not found any single gene variation responsible for extreme longevity, according to a paper published in PLOS ONE: We have sequenced the genomes of 17 supercentenarians… Read the rest of the article: Genomic sequencing finds no single gene basis for extreme longevity
Dan Ruderman -
Dan Ruderman Mexican free-tailed bats emit a special "sweep jamming" sound to interfere with prey localization in other bats competing for food.
Dan Ruderman Starting in 2015, Google will offer its employees and their family members with cancer free tumor DNA testing to guide treatment decisions. Image: Benzopyrene DNA adduct 1JDG by Bstlee
Dan Ruderman If sadness is an unpleasant emotion, then why are we at times so drawn to sad music? By Dan Ruderman
Dan Ruderman Carnegie Mellon researchers have built Spliddit, a web site which gives users "provably fair" ways to divide things of value. Dividing a cake using the "I cut, you choose" method is the… Read the rest of the article: Web site helps you split almost anything fairly
Dan Ruderman The colorful life of Jack Parsons as revealed in the biography Strange Angel by George Pendle will appear on AMC in miniseries form, according to a Deadline report.
Dan Ruderman Scientists have performed a "virtual autopsy" of King Tut using a 3D model based on more than 2000 digital scans. The model has revealed many previously unrecognized congenital deformities, including… Read the rest of the article: King Tut's maladies and shortened life attributed to incest