Ford truck with RFID tool tracker

Fordworksolutions Truck Rfid
Ford is announcing an RFID system for their big trucks to help track tools. (Click image to see the details.) Developed with DeWalt and ThingMagic, the Tool Link system comes with a bunch of wireless RFID tags that you attach to your gear. — Read the rest

Co-working facilities for social-hungry solo freelancers

Cool piece in Businessweek about the rising popularity of "co-working" spaces for independent, internet-age freelancers who are burnt out on working from their homes (cons: too isolating, makes you crazy, no work/life boundaries) and don't want to just work out of Starbucks (cons: too public, not networking-conducive, laptop theft, rising price of lattes). — Read the rest

Stephen King: forget piracy, boomers are just tired of buying crap

Stephen King's editorial in the new Entertainment Weekly (not online, but the best part is below) opines that the real crisis in the entertainment industry isn't piracy, it's mental fatigue among moneyed baby boomers.

So what happened in the '90s? I think we're seeing an entire generation — my generation, the baby-boom generation — turning off the lights upstairs and putting a sign on the door: SORRY, BUT I'M TAKING A NAP.

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