Warren Ellis's NEXTWAVE: subverting the underwear perverts

"Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.: This is What They Want" is the first volume of collected Nextwave comics from savage funnybooks genius Warren Ellis. Ellis — creator of the seminal Transmetropolitan — is known for his scorching attacks on "underwear pervert" comics featuring caped crusaders with super-powers fighting the bad guys. — Read the rest

Second Life: latest dispatches from Warren Ellis

My God, but Warren Ellis makes Second Life sound like a place where you'd actually want to spend some time. Snip:

..it seems that the Filthy Avatar Sex will come with consequences, and your cybershagging will produce a screaming digital baby that probably poops singing metal bat heads.

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Screenwriter of cancelled, leaked Warren Ellis pilot marvels at his fanbase

Flynn sez, "The unaired pilot for the tv show 'Global Frequency' was leaked on the net. Global Frequency [ed: from the brilliant Warren "Transmetropolitan" Ellis comic] is an active 'smartmob' consisting of 1001 people organized through advanced cellphones who respond to global emergencies and phenomena ranging from Heaven's Gate-esque cults to rogue military operations." — Read the rest

Warren Ellis launches Telepathine

A fresh source of free radio and fresh digital culture from Warren Ellis:

The telepathine playlist is donated music and performance by invited artists. It uses the radio.blog system to stream the audio as compressed Flash files. Most if not all of the telepathine artists have their featured works available as micropay or free downloads, accessed through their biography pages below.

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Warren Ellis's device array

Gizmodo's done another of their "What's in your gadget-bag" features, this time with Warren Ellis, whose Transmetropolitan is the best science fictional comic I've ever read.

You just caught me. I'm off to Atlanta in 36 hours or so; jumping from British Summer Time to Eastern Daylight Time for something called Dragon*Con, where I'm a special guest (and also cultivating the Freak Vote in prep for my first prose novel, published next summer).

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Fast Fiction Friday on Warren Ellis's blog

Warren Ellis is doing a stunt on his blog today called "Fast Fiction Friday" — he asked a bunch of people (including me) to bang out a very short story on Wednesday, and today, he's publishing them. Here's a bit of mine:

The other super-heroes put Spidey up to it, going to Geneva to wheedle the WIPO delegates about their trademark rights.

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Warren Ellis — Biological

A short dose of delicious new prose from Warren Ellis:

Lavinia sits on the bench outside the local Starbs and swallows her antifutureshock meds with a soy chai latte. After a few minutes, she feels able to switch her shades from obstacle-imaging to full vision.

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Warren Ellis on Orkut

Orkut, the recently-launched, Google-affiliated FOAF (Cory critiques them — and the bigger FOAF picture — here), is offline for a while. Before the temporary beta outage, Warren Ellis logged on, sniffed around, then said:

Right now, it looks pretty much like an iteration of the Tribe.net — Read the rest