Excerpt from Warren Ellis's novel

Warren Ellis has posted an excerpt from his forthcoming novel:

What follows is a conversation between private investigator Michael McGill and the Chief Of Staff to the office of the President of the United States, essentially explicating the initial plot engine of the book.

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Warren Ellis takes up prose

Warren "Transmetropolitan" Ellis has sold his first novel. Kick ass!

This comic tour of the dark underbelly of American culture features a down-and-out private detective who is hired by heroin-addled G-men to find the lost (secret) Constitution to the United States.

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Warren Ellis's Batman comic

Warren Ellis is squarely on the record as being an aesthetic enemy of the comic-book heroes he calls "Underwear Perverts" — i.e., Batman, Superman, etc. But when I dropped by my comics store this afternoon, the proprietor had a new book for me, "Planetary/Batman," a perfect-bound, $5.95 Batman comic by Warren Ellis. — Read the rest

Warren Ellis's Slashdot interview

Slashdot has posted a group interview with Warren "Transmetropolitan" Ellis, my all-time-fave funnybook writer.

I couldn't care less what other creators "should" consider, and if you ever say something like that within my physical reach I will slap the life clean out of your little body.

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Warren Ellis's alternate Tesla

Warren Ellis takes a break from scripting his new comic to rant about the alternate history posisbilities of Nicola Tesla.

You know Tesla patented something very like a solar panel in 1901? Do you even care?

I do, because it's going to make my spaceships fly.

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Warren Ellis in Mindjack

Mindjack has an interview with Warren "Transmetropolitan" Ellis in the new ish:

There are moments of pure, heart stopping beauty in the most tragic and broken environments. And the loveliest community on earth will not be able to eliminate the dog turd.

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Looking at 5 top cyberpunk comic books

This is a Cartoonist Kayfabe I've been waiting for, where Ed and Jim talk about their all-time fave cyberpunk-themed comics.

In it, they look at Akira (natch), The Long Tomorrow (they better!), Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed (of course), Shatter (have to admit I've never read it), and finally, Frank Miller's Hard Boiled. — Read the rest

Ted Chiang talks about magic, AI, capitalism, and superheroes

I'm not a regular listener to the Ezra Klein Show, but I tune in for the occasional interesting guest — so I assumed that the Ted Chiang episode was not one to miss, and I was right.

Chiang is the author of the speculative short fiction like the collection Stories of Your Life and Others, and is critically acclaimed by writers and reviewers alike for the way he combines hard sci-fi and heartfelt explorations of humans living in society. — Read the rest

Nick Cave releases vinyl single, "Grief"

Nick Cave (of The Bad Seeds, The Birthday Party, Grinderman, The Dirty Three, and more) communes with his fans via The Red Hand Files. They ask him how he's doing, what he's writing, his favorite books, and general life advice as if he were some wonderful and terrifying fortune teller living on the outskirts of an already mysterious and alluring town. — Read the rest

Marianne Faithfull's upcoming "She Walks in Beauty"

Having survived a serious bout of COVID-19, Marianne Faithfull is back with a new record to be released on April 30th. Her 21st studio album, She Walks in Beauty finds Faithfull reading the works of Romantic poets to music and sound textures provided by Bad Seeds' Warren Ellis and the likes of Brian Eno and Nick Cave. — Read the rest