Wednesday: Dorkbot-San Francisco Todd Blair benefit

As BB readers know, machine artist Todd Blair suffered a catastrophic brain injury after the recent Survival Research Laboratories performance in Amsterdam. Todd has not awoken since the accident and remains in an Amsterdam hospital surrounded by family and friends. To help with his medical expenses and the recovery, our friend Karen Marcelo has organized a special Dorkbot-San Francisco session this Wednesday night, October 10, at Kyle Minor Design Studio. — Read the rest

Jeffrey Vallance's modern relic art show

LA Weekly has a great profile of prankster artist Jeffrey Vallance, who has a new exhibition called Relics and Reliquaries in Santa Ana, California.

I first learned about Vallance from Re/Search's Pranks book, where he recounted his now-famous 1978 art stunt of taking a thawed frozen supermarket chicken to a pet cemetery in Los Angeles and straight-facedly requesting it be given a proper burial. — Read the rest

Joey Skaggs launches Art of the Prank

For more than four decades, prankster artist Joey Skaggs has been tweaking the media, thumbing his nose at the bourgeoisie, making fun of The Man, and performing random acts of sensible mockery around the globe. With a resume that boasts such brilliant gags as a "Cathouse for Dogs" (1976) that landed him on ABC News, a 1992 lottery with a first prize of renaming rights to the Brooklyn Bridge, and Final Curtain (2000), a funeral company enabling artists to create their own tombs and memorial exhibitions before they die, to dozens of other hoaxes and pranks, Joey is the quintessential culture jammer and reality hacker. — Read the rest

Irene McGee's radio show


Many of you may remember Irene McGee from the Real World Seattle. Physically sick with Lyme Disease and feeling misunderstood and misrepresented, she left the show (but not before getting smacked by one of her male roommates.) Appropriately, Irene is now a student of media literacy. — Read the rest

Charles Gatewood's Wall Street photographs

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My friend Charles Gatewood is a photographer best known for documenting the sexual underground and helping launch the Modern Primitives meme into popular consciousness through his images that were featured in the RE/Search book of the same name. In the early 1970s though, Charles explored New York's financial district. — Read the rest

Paul Spinrad's The VJ Book

 Images P 1932595090.01. Sclzzzzzzz My friend Paul Spinrad just published a new book called "The VJ Book: Inspirations and Practical Advice for Live Visuals Performance." (Paul is also the author of the classic RE/Search Guide To Bodily Fluids and an editor at MAKE:) Even if you're not into making video art, the book has great history and interviews with the likes of filmmaker Craig Baldwin, Laserium creator Ivan Dryer, and curator Kathleen Forde. — Read the rest

Bobby Neel Adams photographs

In the 1980s, fine art photographer Bobby Neel Adams contributed photos to classic RE/Search Publications books like Modern Primitives, the Industrial Culture Handbook, and the William S. Burroughs/Throbbing Gristle/Brion Gysin compendium. Here's a gallery of Adams's later work, including a series titled "Age-Maps":

 Age 4
Two photographs of the same person, from different periods of time (child and adult) are spliced together.

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JG Ballard event tomorrow in San Francisco

 Images Books Cov JgbquTo celebrate the publication of the excellent JG Ballard Quotes book, RE/Search Publications and San Francisco's City Lights Books are hosting an event tomorrow night. I'm honored that I was invited to read my favorite Ballard quotations along with SRL's Mark Pauline, former BB guest blogger and hacker Karen Marcelo, research scientist/artist Eric Paulos, Counterculture Through the Ages author RU Sirius, photographer SM Gray, and writer Joe Donohue. — Read the rest

JG Ballard quotation book

ballardI'm eagerly awaiting the release next month of JG Ballard Quotes: Does The Future Have A Future?–a pocket-sized book of profound and mind-bending JG Ballard-isms. My all-time favorite fiction writer, Ballard is the prophetic British novelist behind such dark, twisted, noir masterpieces as Crash, Concrete Island, and Cocaine Nights. — Read the rest

R.U. Sirius interviews Richard Metzger

Boing Boing pal R.U. Sirius interviews Boing Boing pal Richard Metzger (Editor of Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult) in the latest issue of R.U.'s online magazine The NeoFiles:

"Most people have this assumption that magick is all about some kind of 'hocus pocus' or 'eye of newt, tongue of toad' thing or the sort of 'incense and affirmations' school of thought that a lot of New Agers and Wiccans are into.

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