Copyfight Copyright troll abuses DMCA in bid to censor his previous life as a troll-fighter Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Copyright troll tries to use TorrentFreak to intimidate victims, TorrentFreak changes the site to empower them to resist trolling Cory Doctorow
Business RIAA lobbyist turned judge runs a fantasy courtroom, the only one in America where they don't laugh copyright trolls out the door Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Judge: to ask for anonymity in porno copyright troll case, you must enter your name into the public record Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Judge: copyright troll showed "staggering chutzpah" in sending its own subpoenas to ISPs Cory Doctorow
Business Copyright troll handed ass (again), tries saddest trick ever to get out of paying its victim's legal bills Cory Doctorow
AI Grimes invites fans to collaborate with software that mimics her voice and encourages users to be "tasteful" Jennifer Sandlin