china Hong Kong's #612strike uprising is alive to surveillance threats, but its countermeasures are woefully inadequate Cory Doctorow
oshw This year's Electromagnetic Field hacker campout demonstrated the awesome power of DIY cellphones and DIY stingrays Cory Doctorow
privacy Canada's Mounties use a 6-year-old "interim policy" to justify warrantless mass surveillance Cory Doctorow
corruption EFF is gathering data on illegal surveillance of Dakota Access Pipeline water protectors Cory Doctorow
security Baseband vulnerability could mean undetectable, unblockable attacks on mobile phones Cory Doctorow
law DHS admits it uses Stingrays for VIPs, vows to sometimes get warrants, stop lying to judges Cory Doctorow
happy mutants In 2009 a NJ judge banned hooking up voting machines to the internet, but that's exactly how ES&S's "airgapped" machines work Cory Doctorow
surveillance LEAKED: The secret catalog American law enforcement orders cellphone-spying gear from Cory Doctorow
Business LAPD & Chicago bought "Stingrays on steroids" with asset-forfeiture & DHS money Cory Doctorow