gwot One of the CIA's waterboarding torturers called himself "The Preacher" and shouted religious nonsense while performing executions Cory Doctorow
climate The DHS classes nonviolent environmental activists in the same "domestic terrorist" category as Dylan Roof and James Fields Cory Doctorow
twitter Authenticating a video showing hundreds of kneeling people in shackles and blindfolds on a Chinese railroad platform Cory Doctorow
china Chinese authorities are secretly installing their anti-Uyghur surveillance app on the phones of tourists to Xinjiang province Cory Doctorow
law A report from the Christchurch Call, where the future of "anti-extremist" moderation was debated at the highest levels Cory Doctorow
facebook Facebook's "celebration" and "memories" algorithms are auto-generating best-of-terror-recruiting pages for extremist groups Cory Doctorow
gwot Big Tech is deleting evidence needed to prosecute war crimes, and governments want them to do more of it Cory Doctorow
china Human Rights Watch reverse-engineered the app that the Chinese state uses to spy on people in Xinjiang Cory Doctorow
censorship French officials call Project Gutenberg archive, 15 million ebooks, Grateful Dead recordings and Prelinger Archive "terrorism," demands removal from Internet Archive Cory Doctorow
uk The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts "illegal" or "harmful" material Cory Doctorow
climate New Zealand's domestic spies, obsessed with illegally surveilling environmental activists, missed a heavily armed right-wing terrorist Cory Doctorow
racism Machine learning hucksters invent an AI racist uncle that predicts your personality from your facial bone structure Cory Doctorow
aviation Quiet Skies: Air Marshals are following thousands of random Americans through airports and on planes, for no articulatable purpose Cory Doctorow
Environment Al Shabab declares plastic bags to be unislamic, bans their use in jihadi-controlled Somali territory Cory Doctorow
canada Canadian border guards have secret access to a US "anti-terror" database of 680,000 names Cory Doctorow
uk RIP Anna Campbell, a British woman who joined an all-woman Kurdish Protection Unit in Syria Cory Doctorow
uk Local UK governments say identifying buildings with Grenfell cladding would be a gift to arsonists and terrorists Cory Doctorow