Business Pepsi is suing four Indian farmers for growing a proprietary "Lays" potato, seeking $150,000 each in damages Cory Doctorow
Science Fancy science journal caught publishing nonsense term "vegetative electron microscopy," doubles down Ellsworth Toohey
happy mutants The London Vegetable Orchestra makes beautiful music with home-grown veggies Jennifer Sandlin
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Boing Boing Gadgets Turn any video into a masterpiece with Corel VideoStudio Pro X9 Boing Boing's Shop
Weird Mr Beast rents out Giza's pyramids in possibly the most conspicuous consumption of all time Grant St. Clair
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how to impress your picky manager—with Microsoft Visio's diagramming tools Boing Boing's Shop
Business 40 years ago Austria wineries got caught sweetening wine with antifreeze, nearly killing the industry (and their customers) Ellsworth Toohey
photos Book of Monsters (1914): Early macro photography of creepy crawlies by Marian and David Fairchild Popkin
Games What it was like working with procrastinator Douglas Adams on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" game Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets Skip the florist and save a fortune — 2 dozen farm-fresh roses for $19.99 + shipping Boing Boing's Shop