Halt! Halt! Halt! Ominous letter hints at new mysteries in the world of Elder Scrolls Online Grant St. Clair
happy mutants 88 Names: Matt Ruff's MMORPG heist novel is "Snow Crash meets the King and I" Cory Doctorow
Business 13 years later, World of Warcraft is STILL telling queer guilds they're not allowed to advertise their queerness Cory Doctorow
Games Lawrence Lessig on designing a corruption-resistant democracy for a virtual world Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Epic Games is suing a 14 year old for making a cheat tutorial and his brilliant mother is PISSED Cory Doctorow
Games EVE Online doublecross is biggest in game history, blowing up $20K+ worth of game assets Cory Doctorow
Business Steve Bannon sunk $60M of Goldman Sachs' money into a failed World of Warcraft goldfarming scheme Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Online casino bankrolls largest-ever, ruinously expensive war in Eve Online Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Announcing "In Real Life": graphic novel about gold farming, kids and games Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Death Knight Love Story: torrentable Warcraft fan-movie starring Brian Blessed, Joanna Lumley & others Cory Doctorow