Orange Meance Reputed Kremlin leak shows Putin's support for a 'mentally unstable' Trump controlled by 'kompromat' Jason Weisberger
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Boing Boing Gadgets GOP's Adam Kinzinger doesn't want Biden pardon — says he'll fight Trump "from my jail cell" (video) Carla Sinclair
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civil war in magaland It's happening: "100 percent Trump is annoyed" with Elon Musk, says insider Carla Sinclair
Police alerts Monkeys roaming in Central Florida, including backyards and school drop-off area: "Do NOT approach!" Carla Sinclair
delightful creatures Baby possum stumbles into house, decides to make orange fluffy cat its "mom" (video) Carla Sinclair
Delightful Creatures Watch cat's amusing crab-walk routine to avoid touching snow (video) Carla Sinclair
delightful creatures Lizard dramatically opens its mouth and climbs up man as if its going to attack — but nope, it's just an act (video) Carla Sinclair
deep red counties Georgia mom arrested after 11-year-old son walks to town — less than a mile — by himself Carla Sinclair
politics Watch Little Marco squirm as Anderson Cooper calls out his Trump defense hypocrisy in cringe interview Ellsworth Toohey