Business Notices at Intel press event seem to say attending photographers must assign copyright to all pictures and videos to the company? Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Houseplant patent EULA: "Asexual reproduction using scions, buds or cutting is strictly prohibited" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants "I Agree": Visualizing terms of service with long scrolls of colored paper Cory Doctorow
Business The world is no longer willing to tolerate the plague of bullshit "agreements" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Terms of Service; Didn't Read: a browser add-on that warns you about the terrible fine-print you're about to "agree" to Cory Doctorow
law Federal court will allow the ACLU to keep suing for the right to violate terms of service for legitimate purposes Cory Doctorow
security Vendor lock-in, DRM, and crappy EULAs are turning America's independent farmers into tenant farmers Cory Doctorow
Business Thanks to "consent" buried deep in sales agreements, car manufacturers are tracking tens of millions of US cars Cory Doctorow
Business Roomba wants to sell the maps of the inside of your home it created while cleaning Cory Doctorow
law Juvenile criminal defense attorneys forced to agree to Taser's terms of service to see the state's evidence Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Terms and Conditions: the bloviating cruft of the iTunes EULA combined with extraordinary comic book mashups Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Congress reintroduces YODA, a bipartisan bill that protects your right to treat devices as your property Cory Doctorow
Business Inside this Star Wars blanket's box, a card informing you that you've just waived your right to sue Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets The latest generation of chatbot toys listen to your kids 24/7 and send their speech to a military contractor Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo says that its customers gave up right to sue by having their signatures forged Cory Doctorow
Business Donald Trump weaponized fine-print to make it impossible to sue Wall Street for fraud Cory Doctorow