debt Expected family contributions for college loans might be going away, thanks to COVID-19 Thom Dunn
scholarship Bernie Sanders got the GAO to study the life chances of millennials, and the report concludes that debt is "crushing their dreams" Cory Doctorow
class war Even if you pay off your student loan, be prepared to spend decades trying to get bottom-feeding debt-buyers to acknowledge it Cory Doctorow
elections Bernie Sanders will use a tax on Wall Street speculators to wipe out $1.6 trillion in US student debt Cory Doctorow
education Profiles of young Americans who entered voluntary exile rather than paying their student loans Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism That billionaire who paid off a graduating class's student loans also supports the hedge-fundie's favorite tax loophole Cory Doctorow
class war A former college admissions dean explains the mundane reverse affirmative action that lets the rich send their kids to the front of the line Cory Doctorow
health Dentistry's evidentiary vacuum allows profiteering butchers to raid our mouths for millions Cory Doctorow
education The two hidden intellectual moves behind the "progressive" argument against free college Cory Doctorow
law Kansas judge tells government debt collectors they can't hound a broke 58-year-old woman until her 84th birthday Cory Doctorow
class war Since 2007, debt-haunted grads have been doing public service to earn loan forgiveness, which they won't get Cory Doctorow
class war Economic indicators: consumer debt continues to grow, delinquency rises, students face "crippling debt" Cory Doctorow
class war GDP vs human thriving: a "healthy" economy means debt-haunted people, desperately searching for housing Cory Doctorow