elections Twitter is awash in disinformation bots tweeting lies about the Kentucky gubernatorial election results Cory Doctorow
elections Report from Defcon's Voting Village reveals ongoing dismal state of US electronic voting machines Cory Doctorow
law Judge orders the State of Georgia to be prepared for pen-and-paper balloting by March 2020 Cory Doctorow
censorship A critical flaw in Switzerland's e-voting system is a microcosm of everything wrong with e-voting, security practice, and auditing firms Cory Doctorow
security Unisyn voting machine manual instructs election officials to use and recycle weak passwords Cory Doctorow
security Ebay is full of used voting machines full of real electoral data and riddled with security defects Cory Doctorow
videos Undetectably bypass voting machines' anti-tamper mechanism with a bit of a soda-can Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Defcon Voting Village report shows that hacking voting machines takes less time than voting Cory Doctorow
security US voting machine vendors and officials insist that it's OK to build wireless networking into election systems Cory Doctorow
security State of Georgia goes to court to defend voting machines that recorded 243% voter turnouts Cory Doctorow
security Here's everything that's wrong with America's insecure electronic voting machines, and what to do about it Cory Doctorow
corruption Someone wiped a key server in Georgia right after voters filed a lawsuit over insecure voting-machines Cory Doctorow
security The 2016 elections taught us to watch for attacks that undermine the legitimacy of elections Cory Doctorow
security What's worse than shitty, hacked voting machines? Unauditable, shitty voting machines Cory Doctorow
corruption If the 2016 election is hacked, it's because no one listened to these people Cory Doctorow
politics Why Internet voting is a terrible idea, explained in small words anyone can understand Cory Doctorow