American Idol for Russian prisoners. Prize: freedom

In a grotesque, totally po-mo spin on reality talent shows like "American Idol," Russian prison officials organized a contest in which prisoners sing their way out of jail. Six convicts pleased judges enough to win pardons.

Vladimir Volzhsky sang his own song, White Nights of the Perm Prison Camp. He has already released two albums.

The prisoners sang to 1,100 guests, most of whom were prison and police officials.

Technically, the six to be freed will be released because their parole is due, not just because of the competition. The 17 losers received a television and a small cash prize.

Link to story. Anyone who provides BoingBoing with links to MP3s of winning (or, heck, losing) tunes wins a reduced life sentence. UPDATE: An anonymous BoingBoing reader points us to MP3 files from prison singer Vladimir Volzhsky. Link to Russian page,

Link to English.