Download random numbers from quantum origin

Jean-Luc says:

The University of Geneva and the company id Quantique team has launched the first web site offering the possibility to download random numbers from quantum origin.
The website offers the possibility to request a sequence of random numbers. The length and the bounds of the sequence can be specified by the user. A quantum random number generator connected to the server is used to produce the numbers on demand.


Update: A cool site, but not the first to offer random quantum numbers, say BoingBoing readers. . Dave Polaschek and Charlie Reiman each wrote in to tell us that Hotbits, a site created by former Autodesk guy John Walker, has been offering quantum random numbers for years via web and through a java class. Link."

ethan fremen says, "Note that has greater claim on being "truly random"
because it generates a single random number from a single quantum event while hot bits times the difference between two paired decay events in order to generate a single bit."
Um, yeah! What he said!