Idiocy of the Do Not Fly List

From Ubiquity Magazine

Deirdre McNamer (how
appropriate) wrote a story in The New Yorker magazine in October 2002 about
a 28-year-old pinko-gray-skinned, blue-eyed, red-blond-haired criminal
called Christian Michael Longo who used the alias 'John Thomas Christopher.'
His alias was placed on the DNFL used by the Transportation Security
Administration. He was arrested in January 2002 but his alias was not
removed from the DNFL. On March 23, 2002, 70-year-old brown-skinned,
dark-eyed, gray-haired grandmother Johnnie Thomas was informed that she was
on the master terrorist list and would have special security measures
applied every time she flew. Indeed, the poor lady found that she was
repeatedly delayed by a scurry of activity when she presented her tickets at
an airline counter, extra X-rays of her checked baggage, supplementary
examination of her hand-baggage and extra wanding at the entrance gates. On
one occasion she was told that she had graduated to the exalted status
labeled, 'Not allowed to fly.' She discovered that there was no method
available for having 'her' name removed from the DNFL; indeed, one person
from her local FBI office dismissively told her to hire a lawyer (although
ironically, he refused to identify himself). An employee of the TSA informed
her that 'four other law-abiding John Thomases had called to complain.'
