Separated at birth: Foghorn Leghorn's son charge and Disney's Chicken Little?

 ~Rod Images Eggjr
 ~Rod Images Chicklittle
Buck Mulligan observes that Looney Toons' Egghead Jr. bears a remarkable similarity to Chicken Little, star of Disney's forthcoming 3D animated feature. Coincidence? Or is something more sinister afoot in the henhouse?Link (thanks, ScottG In NYC!)

Reader comment: Chuck says: "I can't describe how pathetic it feels to know this, but 'Egghead Jr' wasn't Foghorn Leghorn's son — he was the offspring of Prissy, the 'Widder Hen' and some unknown rooster.

Foghorn just got sucked into entertainng the kid while trying to get into Prissy's good graces (and more importantly, her house, which was a lot warmer than Foghorns' shack, and the weather was getting cold.)