Ultimate Blog Post: parody by Lore Sjöberg at Wired News

Wired News contributor Lore Sjöberg had a funny piece up this week about "Blogs and their ultimate perfect entry." BoingBoing did not escape the laserfire of his funnywrath. Snip:

– Boing Boing: Crocheted replica of subway map cracks DRM on collection of old video games.

– FARK: Drunk frat boy in Florida has sex with underage donkey, sues Strong Bad for negligence. Still no cure for overused in-jokes.

– Slashdot: AMD, SCO patent MP3 over TCP/IP, sue ATI, EA. Microsoft probably responsible somehow.

Link. Image above: an oldie but goodie, BoringBoring. (thanks Reva and many others)

Reader comment: Dale Cruse, Publisher, BIG BOTTOM, says:

LOVED the recent Ultimate Blog Post link. Unfortunately the article forgot a rather obvious one.

Dooce.com: "My daughter Leta poops with the fire of a thousand suns."