EFF Music and Freedom Celebration in SF's GG Park Sat Aug 9th

EFF co-founder and BoingBoing patron saint John Perry Barlow says:

This Saturday, August 9, The Electronic Frontier Foundation will host
Freedom Fest 2003 from Noon until 5:00pm on at the Music Concourse
Bandshell in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.

I will be your Master of Ceremonies, assisted in this by the winsome
yet redoubtable Mountain Girl Garcia as well as KFOG radio
personality Peter Finch.
Mostly, it will be an opportunity to hang out in the park on what's
forecast to be a lovely day and listen to some wonderful music,
freely shared with you by up-and-coming Bay Area musicians.

Bands include Box Set (SF Bay Guardian's Best of the Bay "Best Local Rock Band" award winners), Noelle Hampton (Winner of the highly competitive Lilith Fair Talent Search), Austin Willacy (SF Chron describes his music as "an edgy adult contemporary sound that goes down easily and speaks to the heart. Don't miss him live."), Colin McGrath (He originally came to San Francisco to compose music for a comedy group called Killing My Lobster. That could be all one needs to know), Lasana Bandele (Bandele is a rastaman who hails from the Parish of St. James in Jamaica), and many more.

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