Iraq war docu-pic "Uncovered" will soon be out on DVD

Richard Metzger's Disinformation Company is about to release UNCOVERED: THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE IRAQ WAR on DVD. The disk hits the streets on March 30th (= timed to coincide with the date on which the war began last year). It's priced at a super-cheap $9.95.

UNCOVERED features compelling footage of Bush, Rice, Cheney, Powell, and others painting a very clear picture of the distorted intelligence and "spin and hype" presented to Congress, the United Nations, and the American people. Those interviewed include former Ambassador Joe Wilson, weapons inspectors Scott Ritter and David Albright, former Director of CIA Stansfield Turner, former Asst. Secretary of Defense Philip Coyle, anti-terrorism expert Rand Beers, former CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Mel Goodman, former CIA operative Robert Baer, and Washington editor of The Nation, David Corn.

UNCOVERED has received grass-roots support from progressive organizations such as,, The Center for American Progress, The Nation, Buzzflash, and Working Assets. More than 30,000 DVDs were distributed to MoveOn members who screened the film at 3,000 house parties and community screenings, a phenomenon that was widely covered by the media. "It's pretty amazing," said Eli Pariser,'s international campaign director, of the demand for the film. "When we first offered it on our site, we expected to just do a couple thousand copies. But when 23,000 people asked for it, we knew there was something significant about this movie."
