X Prize founders launch new tech innovation competitions

The organizers of the Ansari X Prize, including Peter Diamandis, are launching what they describe as "Holy Grail Competitions" in a variety of tech arenas, to be known as The WTN X Prizes.

Competition objectives include seeking to meet the greatest challenges and opportunities facing humanity in the 21st century. The X Prize Foundation (XPF) and the World Technology Network (WTN) will be announcing the launch of a public outreach period to help select and sponsor a series of new technology prizes, the WTN X PRIZES, developed on the heels of the successful ANSARI X PRIZE competition. Intended to spur innovation in a variety of critical scientific and technological arenas and in response to great technological, social, and environmental challenges, areas of focus might cover goals in fields such as energy, medicine, information and communications technology, and nanotechnology. These "holy grail" goals might include cures for major diseases, teleportation,
molecular assemblers, cold fusion and a wide variety of others with truly major societal implications. Announcement of the public challenge suggestion process and other competition details and entry criteria will occur at the WTN's 2004 World Technology Summit And Awards.

Link, and link to previous BB post on this week's X Prize win.