Battlestar Blog

Battlestar Galactica jumps from miniseries to series with a US debut tonight on SciFi network. Exec Producer and head writer Ron Moore is doing a Battlestar blog. His first entry tackles some fans' burning question of why Cylons appear every 33 minutes (instead of 34 or 48 or whatever) in the premiere. His answer: "No explanation, not even the attempt."
Link to blog, and link to previous BB posts: 1, 2, 3

BB reader Angela Rosin says, "Viewers in the UK have already seen half of this series on Sky One." And reader Jonathan Dabian says, "Viewers all over the *world* have seen the first eleven of thirteen episodes in the first season via Bittorrent. :) Best sci-fi on TV since Farscape/B5/Firefly/DS9. Take your pick. Best sci-fi on TV right now. Period."