Some interesting videos

Here are three videos I enjoyed watching.

1. This Fox News weatherman is incredibly obnoxious. (He was fired last year for substance abuse)

2. Actor Crispin Glover, who seems to enjoy being weird for for weirdness' sake, has a trailer of his movie that'll screen at Sundance. He's been working on it for about ten years, I think. I have a feeling the trailer is going to be better than the movie. (Not safe for work.) (Thanks, mister skye!)

3. After I wrote about Claude Shannon's juggling puppets, someone pointed me to the promo video for the World Juggling Federation competition, taking place January 27 and 28. It'll be on EPSN 2. Remarkable stuff. I also have a feeling though, that you can get 90% of the enjoyment from the show by watching this two-minute clip.