Bloggers Speak Out on the Apple Case (including Boing Boing)

Donna Wentworth from the EFF says:

Online journalism has friends — lots of them. Jack Balkin, Eugene Volokh, Feedster, Gawker Media, Joi Ito, Gothamist, Rebecca MacKinnon, Groklaw, Jay Rosen, Groklaw, Glenn Reynolds (a.k.a. "Instapundit,"), Markos Moulitsas (a.k.a. "Kos") and many, many more filed a joint "friend-of-the-court" brief (PDF) today supporting the journalists in Apple v. Does — the case in which Apple Computer is seeking to unmask online journalists' confidential sources for articles about forthcoming Apple products. They argue that journalism is a verb, not a noun — to adopt a functional test that "will not impede journalists' use of the Internet to report news by limiting their constitutional protections when they publish there."

All of us here at Boing Boing were also proud to sign on to this brief. Link