To do in LA: Art of Bleeding

Reverend Al Ridenour's Art of Bleeding Foundation holds a Safety Awareness Performance this evening in Hollywood. Snip from LA Weekly preview by Ron Athey:

Described as "a traveling medicine show without any cure," The Art of Bleeding is Dr. A.P. Ridenour's (a.k.a. Rev. Al) actionist- comedy safety exhibition, using performance, film projection, live music, medical nonsense narratives and "managed accidents" to explore themes more productively addressed via common sense. While the jargon is all retro health and safety-education material, the culty fetishism is more J.G. Ballard than CPR. A rotating cast of zany, sexy nurses (including one volatile Kitty Diggins) and the mascot/ ambulance driver, Abram the Safety Ape, invite audience participation. In the L.A. film premiere of's spoof on H.P. Lovecraft's Re-Animator, Joanna Angel and cast appear live to introduce The Re-Penetrator. Expect XXX zombie action onscreen, and more sexy antics off.

Link to show info (starts 930pm @ il Corral in Hollywood)