Photos: Internet Archive reception for Open Content Alliance

This Tuesday evening, Brewster Kahle blogged:

Tonight we launched our bookscanning initiative and presented a vision of an Open Library. At the event, Microsoft Network (MSN) joined the Open Content Alliance and committed to kick off their support by funding the digitization of 150,000 books in 2006! (…) Also, 14 libraries and library organizations joined in the last 3 weeks. Please see the Open Content Alliance site for more information. [C]heck out for a cool bookviewer and the vision book– it tells the story of what we envision.

Jake Appelbaum photographed the event — humming servers, buzzing laptops, and lots of internetorati in the house: Link to photo set. Snapped attendees include Joi Ito, Donald Knuth, Jason Schultz and Cindy Cohn from the EFF, Brewster Kahle, and the NYT's John Markoff.