Mexican candy iMac cigarettes

¡Que horror! Unscupulous candy vendors pushing the computer habit on impressionable young consumers. Boing Boing reader Dave Pentecost says:

On her way back from Day of the Dead in Chiapas, my wife picked up this iMac pack of chocolate cigarettes in the Mexico City airport. Link to full-size (note the "Cory" selection on my iPod playlist!)

I've found a similar pack on this page full of candy cigarette packs: Link. Aerobica, Kamikaze, and Attack (EKG on the pack) are some other great ones. Link.

Reader comment: Samuel Herschbein, whose volume of Mac knowledge terrifies me, says:

FYI: The image on the wrapper has been horizontally flipped. The iMac had the cable panel & hole on it's right side. And for most folks, the mouse would also be on the right. No, I don't have a life… But I have an original Bondi iMac on my desk (rarely used to test OS 9, but too beautiful to send out to pasture).