The producers of hit TV show "American Idol" are developing a new primetime program for ABC about tech innovations: "American Inventor." Simon Cowell is among the new show's executive producers, and it's a Fremantle project. Beginning this week, they're holding audions for inventors in various cities around the USA. The ultimate prize: a million bucks.
The FAQ is a hoot, and appears to have been written with geeks in mind. But here's the good news: From what I can make out in that FAQ, you are absolutely free to bring your design for a pocket nuke to be transported by ICBM-propelled hamsters. Plus! You can pitch it at the audition while wearing a latex catsuit, as long as neither WMD or costume "have a distinctive logo or artwork or product brand."
Invention auditions are scheduled for 8am sharp on the following dates, in these cities (better put the hamsters to bed early the night before):
San Francisco November 17th
Denver December 1st
Chicago December 4th
New York December 7th
Washington DC December 11th
Atlanta December 14th
Link. If you're an inventor and a BoingBoing reader, and you end up auditioning an invention there, do let us know how it goes!
Update: Over at the MAKE blog, Phil Torrone will be covering the San Francisco inventor auditions this week — Link.