Image: a 15-year-old Inca girl who died in an Andean human sacrifice ritual around 1500 AD, in Argentina. Indigenous groups unsuccessfully tried to stop the exhibition of her corpse and others, arguing they should instead be reburied or kept away from public display:
Scientists believe the so-called Children of Llullaillaco were sacrificed more than 500 years ago in a ceremony marking the annual corn harvest. Dressed in fine clothes and given corn alcohol to put them to sleep, the victims were then left to die at an elevation of 22,080 feet. (…) Seated with her legs bent and her arms resting on her stomach, the Maiden's remains are still adorned with a gray shawl and bone and metal ornaments. Scientists say her face was daubed with red pigment and around her mouth they found flecks of coca leaf, which is chewed by highland Indians to blunt the effects of altitude.
Link. Here's a Wikipedia entry on the volcano in Argentina where her mummified remains, and those of two other children, were found: Link.