(Ed. note: Today, Boing Boing welcomes a new guest blogger, "Tokyo Stormtrooper" Danny Choo.)
Herro BB comrades! My name is Danny Choo – originally from the UK (London Hackney) and been living in Japan for 10 years now.
Formerly Website Manager at Amazon, Product Manager at Microsoft and now run my own company Mirai Inc which focuses on licensing multi-lingual consumer generated e-commerce web platforms. My full profile and other bits n pieces lives here.
In my spare time I run a Japan Portal at dannychoo.com where I post daily photos and write about life in Japan and Japanese subculture – do RSS subscribe if you want a daily dose of Japanism.
I also work part time for the Empire where I spend most of my time recruiting new troopers. I do this by attempting to "Dance" around Tokyo in Stormtrooper armor to let people know how fun it can be working for the dark lord – you may want to subscribe and see more of my recruiting videos at YouTube. I never mention the possibility of getting a Vader Force Choke though.
I'm humbly honored to have been given the most bodaciously awesome opportunity by comrade Xeni to write for BoingBoing. For the next two weeks I'll be introducing you to some crazy and not-so-crazy down to earth daily stuff from the rand of the lising sun.
An example of some recruiting for the empire below.