Documentary about Michael Jackson trufans: "We Are The Children"


Filmmaker Dianna Dilworth emailed me last week with a link to her documentary about hardcore Michael Jackson fans like the fellow above: We are the Children.

"It's a look at the lives of the fans during the trail a few years back," she says — specifically, trufans out showing support for their idol during the pop star's 2004-05 trial on child molestation charges.

As folks who follow me on Twitter already know, I find the cable news MJ-death-marathon spectacle to be a sad reminder of the state of — well, the pathetic state of American cable news. I mean, what was that? Nine days of wall to wall "Michael Jackson: STILL DEAD"?

But thoughtful works like Dilworth's film, works that examine the lives of the "happy mutants" who are utterly devoted to this pop culture figure, I find fascinating. Do yourself a favor today: turn off the TV, stream this instead.

You can view Diana's film online for free at SnagFilms, a new ad supported film content site (Flash embed).

Or, you can buy a DVD here.