A mysterious Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation engineer known only as John F. allegedly snuck a tiny art collection aboard the Apollo 12 lunar module, delivering the first art museum to the moon. According to this episode of PBS's History Detectives, New York artist Forrest "Frosty" Myers worked with Bell Labs scientist Fred Waldhauer to imprint images of art by Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, David Nobros, Robert Chamberlain, Robert Rauschenberg, and Myers himself onto tiny ceramic wafers. Myers claims that one of the art wafers was secretly attached to a leg of the lunar lander, and others were created as souvenirs. To put it in context, this was during the period when the group Experiments in Art and Technology (EAT) was pioneering tech-art through collaborations between avant-garde artists like Rauschenberg and John Cage, and creative Bell Labs engineers orchestrated by Billy Kluver. Forty years later, John F.'s identity remains unknown as does the truth about whether one of those wafers ever made it to the lunar surface. Moon Museum (via AOL News)
Tiny art museum on the moon?
- Art and Design
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