Live coverage of the Anonymous protest at BART's Civic Center station in San Francisco: SF Appeal, Ustream, AnonOps on Twitter, ioerror's feed, and #opBART hashtag. Mission Local has another video feed and liveblog here. CNN, AP have reports up as of 630pm PT.
UPDATE: Doctor Popular is Instagramming (@docpop) from the scene:
#opbart protestor starts yelling at the crowd "All this over cell phone service?!" to which someone replies "We're protesting the shooting of Oscar Grant!" and someone else yells "I'm not! I'm here about the cell phone thing!". This pretty much sum up the feel of the protest. Many folks upset, but not really over the same things.
And whoah, Frank Chu just showed up, so you know shit just got real.
Chu, on Ustream: "Cops are covering up murder cases and stealing my money as a movie star in a thousand zegnatronic galaxies. The damages might go up to an estimated 3.3 billions."
Ustream guy: "Do you want help from Anonymous?"
Frank Chu: "I usually get help from CBS News."