Liz Ohanesian, LA Weekly writer and periodic guest contributor to Boing Boing, has an in-depth look at the cosplay subculture phenomenon known as "Crossplay."
Crossplay is exactly what you think it might be, cosplay that involves crossdressing. It's not the same as gender-bending an existing character, as Gender Bent Justice League did this year at San Diego Comic-Con. With crossplay, a female fan will present herself as a male character and vice versa.
Ultimately, crossplay is no different from cosplay, it's a fan-oriented art form that can take many different paths. Some people don't make a major effort to conceal their actual gender. Others take painstaking measures to resemble the opposite-gender character as closely as possible. The choice is up to the fan.
Read More: Crossplay: An Introduction.
Photos by Shannon Cottrell, a larger gallery of them here.