CBS has a story on "revenge porn" sleaze Craig Brittain, whose website solicits private photos, then funnels the victims' takedown requests to a non-existent "lawyer" who advertises outrageous fees.
The website was started about a year ago and is operated by Craig Brittain, a 28-year-old Colorado Springs resident. "I call it entertainment," said Brittain. "We don't want anyone shamed or hurt we just want the pictures there for entertainment purposes and business. I would say our business goal is to become big and profitable." Brittain said he typically makes about $3,000 a month from advertising on the website. He solicits people to anonymously send in explicit photos along with the victims' Facebook profiles.
This guy was recently exposed by Popehat and Marc Randazza, whose interactions with him are amazing: the idiocy and arrogance must be seen to be believed. But hey, he's making money!