Modified Liberator 3D printed gun made with cheap printer, fires 9 shots

Joe, an engineer from Wisconsin, modified the (now censored) designs for Defense Distributed's 3D printed gun, the Liberator, and printed a working model on a Lulzbot A0-101, a $1,725 consumer printer that is much cheaper and more widely available than the Stratasys Dimension SST printer used by Defense Distributed.

The gun printed by Joe, which he's nicknamed the "Lulz Liberator," was printed over 48 hours with just $25 of plastic on a desktop machine affordable to many consumers, and was fired far more times. "People think this takes an $8,000 machine and that it blows up on the first shot. I want to dispel that," says Joe. "This does work, and I want that to be known."

Eight of Joe's test-fires were performed using a single barrel before swapping it out for a new one on the ninth. After all those shots, the weapon's main components remained intact–even the spiraled rifling inside of the barrel's bore. "The only reason we stopped firing is because the sun went down," he says….

…Still, Joe's cheap homemade gun isn't without its bugs. Over the course of its test firing, Joe and Guslick say it misfired several times, and some of its screws and its firing pin had to be replaced. After each firing, the ammo cartridges expanded enough that they had to be pounded out with a hammer. "Other than that, it's pretty much confirming that yes, Defense Distributed is correct that this functions," says Guslick. "And it's possible to make one on a much lower cost printer."

$25 Gun Created With Cheap 3D Printer Fires Nine Shots (Video) [Andy Greenberg/Forbes]