At a public meeting on the isle of Portland, England, town councillor Richard Denton-White had a succinct response to a difficult attendee: "Fuck off."
Councillor Denton-White was responding to complaints from area man Tony Weldon and the "mob" during a heated debate at All Saints Church in Easton. Weldon, reports the Dorset Echo, was "more than a bit fazed" by the foul-mouthed rejoinder.
"He was rude, aggressive, gesturing, ranting," Weldon told reporter Rachel Stretton. "I approached him afterwards to say that his behaviour as a public official in a church was wrong."
After the event, which concerned a planned rise in local taxes, Denton-White put his salty ways down to the fact that he grew up in nearby Portsmouth.
"I was aggressive towards one person in the audience during the meeting, and when I said 'shut up' that was aimed at him," said Denton-White. "He was making physical threats and running his finger across his throat. I grew up in Portsmouth and it's part of the subculture there that we do not take threats lightly. Someone else came up to me afterwards and challenged me over what happened and I told him to fuck off."
Though he apologized to the church's reverend, Denton-White entertained no notion that the venue compounded his error: "I don't think there's anything magical about being in a church that makes it any worse."
The next meeting of Portland Borough Council takes place Feb. 5
Air turns blue at public meeting on council tax precept [Dorset Echo via Arbroath]