A Tumblog of Greatness: "Use Sparingly." "jargon: a business dialect spoken by many but understood by few."
A Tumblog of Greatness: "Use Sparingly." "jargon: a business dialect spoken by many but understood by few."
Case maker Zugu offers a new case that promises to protect sensitive data on your iPad upon death. The In Case of Death Case is designed to hide "embarrassing search… READ THE REST
A new phone from the startup Minimal Company has an e-ink display and a physical keyboard. The idea behind the Minimal Phone is that you use it only for the… READ THE REST
If the term "prompt engineer" made you roll your eyes, "prompt artist" could blind you for life. The U.S. Copyright Office agrees: it has determined that the output of AI… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get a Microsoft Office lifetime license for Windows at $34.97 or Mac for $39.99 this week only (reg. $229.99). Microsoft 365's monthly fees got you feeling like you're stuck in an expensive situationship? You've… READ THE REST
TL;DR: I got fed up with my Microsoft 365 subscription, so I decided to grab this Microsoft Office 2024 lifetime license while it was discounted to $140. Check out what I thought!… READ THE REST
TL;DR: This VPN router can unblock content on your streaming services without subscription fees. Get it for $149.97 (reg. $219). Your Netflix is a ghost town—especially since they removed Friends and The Office (major RIP). If you're still mourning… READ THE REST