Latonya Pennington wants more of them: "Why can't strong female characters just be complex?"
Besides sheroes like Korra and Noni, we also need more anti-sheroes. When I Googled "female anti-heroes of color", I didn't get many results. Cinema in Noir, a weekly radio show hosted by women of color, noted the same problem in a show they did last year. When listing their favorite female anti-heroines of color, they cited Scandal's Olivia Pope and Cataleya from the film Colombiana.
Not only can women of color do the right thing while saving the world, they can also do the wrong thing for the right reasons. I love my sheroes, but I wouldn't mind seeing a contemporary version of Catwoman (minus the scantily-clad costume) or even an African Orisha demigoddess as an anti-shero.