On arbitration show Judge Judy, the plaintiff describes the possessions allegedly stolen by the defendant. But she never gets to finish the list. [via r/videos]
Defendant instantly loses case
- stupid people
Jason Miller, former Trump aide, sues Will Menaker of Chapo Trap House podcast over tweet
Just when you thought things couldn't get stupider, they do. Former Donald Trump senior campaign aide Jason Miller is suing Will Menaker, co-host of the politi-comedy podcast 'Chapo Trap House,'… READ THE REST
Gentleman, possibly a burglar, gets trapped inside a cell phone store
A cell phone store owner, whose business had been repeatedly burgled, decided to set up a trap room to capture the next person who tried to steal things from his… READ THE REST
Gentleman suspected of stealing a magnet was arrested after he went to police station to complain about his wanted poster
A 23-year-old man was arrested in Cambridge, England for stealing a £23.78 engineering magnet after he went into a police station to complain that a wanted poster with his photo… READ THE REST
Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp
TL;DR: Save over 53% on this LED corner floor lamp that could give your home a serious revamp in the new year, now $69.99 (reg. $149). Moving into a new apartment in the new year?… READ THE REST
Get Microsoft Office with a lifetime license for $60
TL;DR: Skip the subscription stress and get Microsoft Office Professional 2021 with all your favorite productivity tools for $59.97. Why rent when you can own it for life? Until February 23, score… READ THE REST
Get yourself a GoCable — because carrying 5 cables is so last decade
TL;DR: GoCable is the pocket-sized 8-in-1 charger that powers everything while also featuring a built-in cutter and bottle opener for $20.99 (reg. $44.99). If you've ever found yourself rummaging through a bag… READ THE REST