After the release of the now infamous Donald Trump/Billy Bush tapes, dozens of politicians tweeted their disgust with Trump's behavior on behalf of their daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers.
As the grandfather of two precious girls, I find that no apology can excuse away Donald Trump's reprehensible comments degrading women.
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 7, 2016
Hitting on married women? Condoning assault? Such vile degradations demean our wives and daughters and corrupt America's face to the world.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) October 8, 2016
I am disgusted by Mr Trump's words about women: our daughters, sisters and mothers.
— JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) October 8, 2016
As the father of a brand new daughter himself, John Legend had the perfect response:
You don't have to have daughters or granddaughters to find Trump's comments repugnant. It's an odd, unnecessary qualifier.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) October 8, 2016
I didn't just figure out that I shouldn't talk or behave like that when Luna was born.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) October 8, 2016
These guys dated, studied or worked with women and girls their entire lives. Fatherhood isn't their first encounter with opposite sex
— John Legend (@johnlegend) October 8, 2016
But if this was the final straw for you, you have a very high tolerance for straws.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) October 8, 2016
Remember, it's simple: Women are human beings.