feminism In the male-dominated music industry, women rule at this Tasmanian record store Rusty Blazenhoff
feminism Feminist father: "If you ever hurt my daughter, I swear to God I'll let her navigate her own emotional growth" (video) Rusty Blazenhoff
feminism Watch Playboy founder Hugh Hefner clash with members of the Women's Liberation Movement Mark Frauenfelder
feminism Professor Xavier is a total fuckboi. Let me explain, on the Fuckbois of Literature podcast. Thom Dunn
happy mutants Kickstarting a new feminist bicycle science fiction: this one's about dragons! Cory Doctorow
health Why is the American Medical Association finally weighing to oppose anti-abortion bills Cory Doctorow
Games Man-Eaters Volume Two: Fleshing out the world where girls turn into lethal werepanthers when they get their periods Cory Doctorow
Games Wonderful profile of Anita Sarkeesian, the feminist games critic who made an army of shitty manbabies very, very upset Cory Doctorow