Florida management company bans tenants from using storm shutters as Hurricane Irma approaches

Tenants in Colony Park in West Palm Beach, Florida have been warned by their property management company Services Taylor Made ((407) 732-6850) that they are prohibited from putting shutters on their windows as a safety measure against the approaching Hurricane Irma.

The company sent a letter to Colony Park tenants stating, "Understand that while we empathize with your need to protect your personal property, boarding up your residence is NOT something you are allowed to do" but offering no explanation for the rule.

There are shutters available, and they have been deployed for previous storms. Some tenants have vowed to break into the storage cupboards, liberating the shutters and hanging them in order to save their homes.

"Previous years we've had property managers that have allowed the maintenance men to open up the doors and the tenants would go in and get the shutters that are underneath the steps over here and they supplied the bolts," she said.

However, when she asked about doing the same this year, a manager told her they're not allowing it.

"When I asked her today, she said, 'Corporate said no, no shutters.' I'm like wait a second, the governor said make a plan, get it done," Vargas said.

Renters told they are not allowed to board up windows
[Amy Lipman/WPTV]

(via Reddit)

(Image: WPTV)